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Living Well-Rounded with Geomyra

Oct 2, 2019

“Why me?” is a question we often ask when something isn’t going our way or a bad thing happens. But, it’s a question tinged with self-pity. “Why NOT me?” is a question we often ask when we see others succeed or take a big leap and we wonder why we’re not where they’re at. But, that’s a question tinged with comparison and envy. Neither of those questions is productive for you, my friend. So, let’s talk about better questions we can ask ourselves that keep us moving forward and yet help us find our joy right where we’re at. Join me as I help you shift your focus, ask the right questions, and carry on a conversation we started in Season 1 episode 3 when we talked about how to embrace the current season you’re in even if you don’t like it.



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